Health Services


Clinical Laboratory Science focuses on the performance of laboratory analyses used in the diagnosis and treatment of disease, and in the maintenance of health. Medical laboratory personnel are responsible for the performance of these tests. Our facility has a staff of certified professionals working in the areas of Reception (phlebotomy area), Chemistry, Hematology, Urinalysis, Microbiology, Molecular, and the Shipping Department.

The goal of the Laboratory Service Section is to ensure the medical readiness of our forces and facilitate the total health care of our beneficiaries through a customer-focused commitment to quality care. We provide laboratory services for medical readiness, integrated health care needs, service members, dependents, and retirees. We treat our customers and ourselves with dignity and respect, courtesy and compassion, honor, and integrity.

Laboratory Policies

  • Patients requiring lab services MUST have proper identification (military ID) with them. Children aged 10 years and up are required to have a military ID. Accurate patient identification is required.
  • Patients requesting information about laboratory results or other confidential lab information will be referred to their health care provider. Confidential laboratory information will not be given out due to established policies, regulations, and legal mandates. Please notify your health care provider if you have any questions. 
  • Outside civilian providers, those whose office is not in a military treatment facility, receive laboratory tests results via fax. 
  • Patients should make sure their health care provider places their order into the computer.
  • All specimens must be submitted in a properly labeled container with the patient's name, date of birth, DOD ID, and date/time of specimen.
  • The lab cannot accept used needles.
  • Glucose Tolerance Tests (more than one hour) must arrive before 9 a.m. Your provider may request a special diet to be taken prior to the test. 
  • Fasting means no food or drink for 10-12 hours before having blood drawn. It is okay to drink only water while fasting.  

Test Information

  •  24-hour urine and stool tests ordered by your provider: Come to the laboratory to receive container and collection instructions. 
  • The laboratory performs post-vasectomy semen analysis after a patient has had a vasectomy, if requested by the health care provider. 
  • If the provider has ordered a comprehensive semen analysis, they will input a referral to go to another site/location.
  • For instructions on tests that have certain pre-collection requirements, please check with the health care provider or call the Reception Desk at 609-754-9091 for instructions. You may also stop by the lab for information/instruction sheets.  

Pregnancy Tests:

  • Birth control or procedure: Your provider must order a pregnancy test if it is required for birth control or a procedure

Unsatisfactory Specimens:

  • Urine not refrigerated or collected with proper preservative
  • Specimen obviously contaminated
  • Specimen delivered after required delivery time
  • Specimen placed in incorrect container
  • Improperly labeled specimens

Contact Us


Building 3458


Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.



Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!